Love in Dark

Love in Dark

Love in Dark by 37Spreadyourwings tells the story of Brandon Rodriguez, a feared mafia boss, who proposes to the innocent and kind-hearted Claire Brown.

Their worlds collide on a fateful night, forcing Claire to navigate a life of danger and darkness. Can love survive in such a shadowed world? Read the blurb below.

Love in Dark Blurb

In Love in Dark by 37Spreadyourwings, Brandon Rodriguez, a feared and ruthless mafia boss, proposes to Claire Brown, an embodiment of innocence and purity. As he kneels before her, slipping the ring onto her finger, the scene is shadowed by the presence of her family, held at gunpoint by his men. Brandon, known for his cold heart and dangerous reputation, contrasts sharply with Claire, who despises violence and has a heart full of kindness for everyone.

As their lives intersect on one fateful night, Claire’s world of light and love collides with Brandon’s dark and unforgiving reality. Despite their vastly different worlds, their paths become intertwined, forcing Claire to navigate the dangerous terrain of Brandon’s life while holding onto her sense of compassion. The question remains: can love truly thrive in the darkness, or will their differences ultimately tear them apart?

Read: Destined To Be His Wife

Love in Dark
Love in Dark

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