Bound By A Ritual

Bound By A Ritual

Bound By A Ritual by Annie Damien follows Lara, who is forced into an ancient ritual binding her to a man she doesn’t love. In a kingdom filled with supernatural beings, her fate teeters on the edge as she faces death and rebirth. Will she defy her destiny or be forever bound? Read the blurb below.

Bound By A Ritual Blurb

In Bound By A Ritual by Annie Damien, Gotham is a kingdom teeming with supernatural beings—vampires, Lycans, witches, dragons, and more. Within this mystical realm, an ancient ritual known as Confinement binds two souls together through death and rebirth, destined to be united for eternity in their next life. This practice has endured for centuries, ensuring that love transcends time. However, Lara finds herself trapped in this ritual, forced to be bound to a man she does not love. Unlike traditional rituals, she alone must undergo the ordeal of death and rebirth, leaving her fate uncertain.

As Lara grapples with her unwilling participation, the mystery surrounding the man she is bound to deepens, raising questions about his true intentions. Why has he chosen her, and why on her wedding day? The ritual that should guarantee eternal togetherness now threatens to unravel, leaving Lara torn between defying her fate and surrendering to it. The story unfolds with suspense as Lara’s journey explores the power of love, the struggle for autonomy, and the unpredictable nature of destiny in a world where the supernatural reigns supreme.

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Bound By A Ritual
Bound By A Ritual

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